Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Warning! Potty talk !

So apologies for no posts for a while, I have some I need to copy over from Facebook still from days gone past but I've also just been exhausted and enjoying playing Xbox in the evenings occasionally instead of doing anything constructive and I think sometimes life is hectic and vegging out helps one to stay sane!  Tonight despite having eyelids dropping and feeling exhausted from being mom all day and working when they are asleep, I have just checked on Hope before climbing into bed and she is sleeping like a little tree frog as usual and sooo cute I thought I had to share some of her!

Since December last year Hope has been using the potty.  It started completely accidentally because I decided I would put the potty next to the bath so she could get used to it in preparation for the dreaded potty training!  When we had Hope, we read all these things about how delayed children with DS are and I remember groaning when I read that often they take ages to potty train I'm not kidding ...something like from 5 to 8 years old!  Anyway, Hope promptly sat on the potty and did a pooh and a wee to our astonishment, we did a huge hullabaloo cheering and praising and since then we have been using the potty!
This week because she has started saying pooh and I can pretty much read all the signs of when she needs to go, we took the plunge and got rid of the nappies during the day and are using training pants.  She has had about 5 accidents in the past 7 days and I think that is pretty darn good, specially seeing as half the accidents were due to a distracted mom!
I'm not sure if putting her on regularly will distract her from learning to ask to go potty, but she is doing so well and I am sooo proud, am sure it will all work out!eeeek!
I suppose potty training is one of the first steps towards handing over a responsibility to your child to look after pressure to get it right!