Thursday, October 10, 2013

Community support

Personal DS comment: this is a quick one because I worked till 12:30 am and now it's crazy late and I'm tired!

Today I took Hope to the speech therapist for a check other hearing....she couldn't test because Hope was not allowing her near her ears but after listening to her and shaking some items with diff sounds behind her back she concluded Hope doesn't appear to have any major hearing problems and we are doing well with her speech....hooray!

I also thought today when thinking about how having a child with any disability can impact a family, that one of the number one ways to thrive is to have support from family, friends, communities and services. We have been blessed by the bucket load with people all around us who offer love and support in a vast number of ways. God saw fit to set us up with aunties for Hope who are speech and hearing therapists Bronwyn Earl and OTs Kate Stuart. Grandparents with brilliant teaching skills, friends with skills and oodles of love and a church family that encircles us and held us up when we most needed and need it. Services for DS children could definitely be improved but we have had wonderful help all round...awesome! Got to go Arthur wailing!