Sunday, October 13, 2013

My Blog goes public!

So today is the day I made my blog public!  I started it when Hope was 4 months old and wrote all of 3 posts before petering out as I started working and and got overwhelmed with busyness!
This month is Down syndrome awareness month and since the 3rd of October I have been posting a factual post about various Down syndrome things each day and also a personal comment or experience from raising Hope on Facebook.  I've now copied those posts into the blog and will continue posting on the blog and sharing on Facebook.  I'm hoping that people who stumble upon this blog or who follow me will gain some insight into what it's like to raise a child with Down syndrome; will realise that children with Down syndrome are most importantly children first and disabled second; if they are expecting a child with Down syndrome that they will see it's not as scary as it first seems and; that children with Down syndrome are a blessing to their parents and wider community.

I will endevour to improve layouts and my blog content as I figure out how blogs work but for now I hope you will enjoy my overshare posts as they are in the raw and real!  Here goes....


  1. So thrilled you've started this Kat, I'm looking forward to following - well done

  2. I just saw the photo of Hope in your post about her glasses - she's got the most GORGEOUS smile! And the glasses are adorable on her, too. :-)
