Monday, October 07, 2013


Personal DS comment: it is quite something to run smack into a wall of your own prejudice! When I was pregnant and we got that news that we were most likely going to have a child with DS suddenly I was quite painfully made aware of all theprejudices I had especially when it come to valuing people for their level of intelligence! Although it was a tough lesson, it is a lesson I am the most grateful for. I used to be a bit nervous of people with disabilities especially if they looked rather unintelligent. I would try to steer clear and felt rather uncomfortable and would rush away as soon as possible. Before Hope even arrived, God had questioned how I valued people, and really opened my eyes so that I could see people with disabilities the way He does...with absolute love and oh how much He loves us, whoever we are. There was a david crowder song called How He Loves and I happened to have it in my car and throughout my pregnancy with Hope I listened to it, sang along to it, howled it out loud and had it thrumming through my body every day (take a listen on YouTube I got it!! Since then I greet people with disabilities and people from different walks of life with compassion, equality and respect. I speak like I would like to be spoken to, I look people in the eyes and I don't think of excuses to run away. I am reminded to be humble and acknowledge that God is far greater and has intentions and reasons for things that I cannot comprehend and we all come into the world the way He made us (perfect) with purposes to fulfill big and small. I think of the body of Christ and consider how even the seemingly least important part often plays such a crucial role. Thank you Lord for teaching me this lesson in such a beautiful and lovely little package I can snuggle with every day!