Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Hope's glasses!

 Personal DS comment: today has been an absolute miracle and we are celebrating because Hope wore her new glasses all day! Seeing as the most she would wear was 1 hour I think it is totally amazing that she kept them on all day!! She took them off 4 times during the day, but was accepting of them going back on after 10 minutes so it's AMAZING!!!!!

 I did not know anything was wrong with Hope's eyes so was quite shocked when few weeks ago the ophthalmologist said she needed glasses forever to wear all day so it has been a struggle for me to accept and deal with the new challenge and been tough getting Hope to cooperate when they arrived last week, especially as fitting them on has been sooooo hard with her tiny little nose and almost non-existent nose bridge. The big battle has been the irritation of the lenses touching her lashes and eyelids but I think we are both getting the hang of the glasses now! And it is obviously helping her see so much better...she suddenly doesn't need help over little steps and she is looking at everything with such intent and amazement. 

When she first put them on and looked at me like she was really seeing me for the first time I felt a bit guilty for not having tested her earlier but I was clueless and didn't recognise indicators that she was battling to see close up. Anyway we have a solution now and I'm so happy my little girl has a new prop to help her learn and grow! If tomorrow goes like today I think we have got the glasses sorted , hooray am soooo happy!