Friday, October 04, 2013


Personal DS comment: I'm glad In some ways that Hope was our first baby because seeing how fast Arthur develops and learns would have made me very worried about Hopey's development. As it is, everything Hope does is a celebration and I guess we were blissfully ignorant too about where she was not keeping up with other children. Today Arthur plopped himself in my lap with a book and started turning the pages and I was amazed ..Hope is still learning to turn the pages....she will get there but everything is at a much slower pace. It makes my heart pang a bit but I am also loving my honey girl's slow and steady cos I get to enjoy her baby and toddlerhood for longer despite the extra challenges it comes with. I think God knew that in some respects I needed to be eased into motherhood and blessed with longer times between milestones to treasure each now Arthur surprises us with his speed (which is probably totally normal) and we are equally excited when he accomplishes something new. I am unashamedly proud of and in love with my children! — with Bryan Johnston.